Sunflowers for Ukraine

The Three Village Community Trust’s nineteenth century Immigrant Factory Houses at 148 Main Street, Setauket have a deep connection to today’s Ukrainian crisis.

During the late 1800’s, a vast number of Eastern Europeans fled persecution to seek a better life in the United States. Many of these immigrants arrived in Setauket to work in a local manufacturing plant. Small “Factory Houses” were built by the company’s owners for the arriving workforce. Though the work was difficult, the hours long, and the pay low, these new Americans would become part of the “American Experience” as their sons, daughters, and grandchildren prospered in the new land.

The sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine. Today, as the Ukrainian crisis unfolds, it symbolizes hope, determination, and solidarity for a free and independent people.

The Three Village Community Trust, in support of the Ukrainian people is installing “Sunflower Art” at its different properties.

Give some thought to ‘sunflowering’ your front yard, or business. Help spread sunflowers to the entire community… and the world.