The Rubber Factory Worker Houses are showing off new roofs for spring! During this past challenging winter, our contractor John Schoendorf completed much of the work needed to close out the requirements of the building permit issued for the move and new construction at the Bruce House site.
The windows have been uncovered and repairs begun on those that can be restored. The Trust plans to set up for sash repair on site this summer, and there will be opportunities for volunteers to learn how to preserve old wood double-hung windows. New windows and replacements of existing vinyl retrofits will be traditional wood windows closely matching the originals. New entry doors will also be wood in a style appropriate to the age of the houses.
Restoration of original beaded siding, uncovered when shingles were removed, will provide another chance for volunteers to take part in the preservation process. As the exterior work advances we will be able to work further on the interiors.
We hope you will enjoy seeing the progress as these historic buildings are brought back to their original appearance.
Funding is needed to continue the restoration. Please consider donating to the Trust’s “Acquisition and Restoration Fund” that is set up to help us acquire and restore properties. Thank you.